
Total war warhammer chaos spawn
Total war warhammer chaos spawn

total war warhammer chaos spawn total war warhammer chaos spawn total war warhammer chaos spawn

Even generic sorcerers are pretty damn good for what they do. Archeon is one of the better duelist characters, Kholek kills whatever he is fighting, Sigvald is the king of "never die" and Sarthoreal is a raid boss with impressive magic abilities.

  • Strong Lords: Your lord options are pretty damn good.
  • With how much good stuff is at your disposal, you can come up with all kinds of crazy tactics to through at your opponent. You can use rushes, monster mashes, artillery boxes, magic bombs, and make your lords into one man armies.
  • Versatility: You're not quite the most versatile of factions, but with all of the high quality troops you have, you can deploy a wide assortment of tactics against all kinds of opponents.
  • You best have answers for anti large though. Shaggoths make dragons cry, manticores make great mounts and flying harass, trolls will help win you the frontline even faster and hounds will make sure that all those pesky skirmishers don't screw over your troops on the way in.
  • Monsters: You got some monsters that are unmatched in what they do.
  • If for whatever reason the other guy decided not to bring AP against you, you've pretty much already won the fight right there.
  • Armor: Regardless of which ever one of the Dark Gods you decided to suck off, they gifted you an ungodly amount of armor to protect your troops from the enemy.
  • Though your reign as the undisputed combat champion of the game has come to an inglorious end due to feature/power creep (not even mentioning the coming of Khorne), precious other factions will be able to face you in melee and walk away unscathed.
  • Top-grade Melee: Pound for pound, your troops are among the best in the entire game when it comes to melee combat.
  • Because back in my day only the bad guys wore Stupidly OP Armor.
  • Because you want to see the unending tides of damnation overrun all that is good and civilized in this world.
  • You don't need no damn Daemons to take over the world for the Chaos Gods.
  • BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD, SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE Sorry, that's the dedicated Khorne's faction motif now, you're undivided.
  • 2 The campaign und unique mechanics (The Old World).

  • Total war warhammer chaos spawn